Landscaping Solutions That Make Your Property Look Great and Feel Great
From robots to rain gardens to roofs with blooms, there are plenty of sustainable landscape solutions. When selecting a commercial landscaping company, ask about their earth-friendly offerings.
Landscaping Solutions on sloped and hilly terrains present challenges such as soil erosion, standing water, adequate irrigation, weed control, and pest management. Well-designed steps and pathways can stabilize the landscape, making sloped areas safe and usable. Permeable pavers are another way to minimize the impact of storm water runoff, allowing it to be recycled into the landscape rather than being drained into streams and rivers.
Landscaping Solutions: Transform Your Outdoor Space with Expert Design
Plants enhance the environment by removing pollutants, while permeable surfaces redirect storm water to naturally replenish the soil. Incorporating eco-conscious landscaping design practices reduces maintenance costs for homeowners and helps to keep the planet healthy.
Strategic landscaping can also lower home energy costs. Trees that shade homes in the summer lower air temperatures and help reduce air conditioning bills. Shrubs and windbreaks block cold winter winds, reducing heating needs. And incorporating reflective ground covers, like light-colored gravel or low-growing flower beds, bounce natural sunlight into interior spaces, reducing glare and making homes more beautiful.
The right landscaping company can help you integrate hardscape elements—patios, walkways, retaining walls—with the soft elements of your landscape, ensuring they are both functional and visually appealing. The right combination of plants, trees, flowers, bushes, and ornamental grasses will bring the landscape together and create a cohesive, harmonious outdoor space.…